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Four Celebrities Who Have Alternative Interests

by IBT Media Staff

One thing we do as fans is that we define celebrities according to their public image. We put them in boxes made up of what we know and love them for. So, for example, we love athletes for their feats on the court or field, musicians for their wonderful performances and actors for how well they get into the characters they portray on screen.

However, many celebs are more than just what we know them for. They have all sorts of hobbies and side interests that fans rarely get to see.

Many professional athletes participate in other sports or games as a way to relieve stress and simply indulge their competitive drives outside their main focus. In the same way, some actors from your favorite movies, musicians and other entertainers have interests that help them relax, recharge their creativity and simply enjoy life. After all, analyses show that the more identities we have as humans, the likelier we are to be happy.

Here are a few examples of popular celebrities who actively chase other interests that you might not have known about:

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Four Celebrities Who Have Alternative Interests

Ben Affleck | Gaming

This is one celebrity who has achieved great success as an actor and director, to the point that he can do whatever he likes in his free time. And one thing Ben Affleck loves to do is to entertain in gambling activities. He has often talked openly about how much he loves playing gambling games, particularly poker. He especially brags about how great he is at high-stakes poker, where previously, according to some reports, he had quite a bit of success.

But his love for poker goes beyond that. He’s also a regular in celebrity games in Los Angeles, playing against other Hollywood elite. For him, gambling games are a way to take a break from his career and challenge himself mentally.

Rafael Nadal | Soccer

There is no doubt whatsoever that Rafael Nadal is a great tennis player. In fact, some call him the greatest the world has ever seen. His skill on the court is hard to deny. He has built his reputation around constantly pushing his body beyond its limits to improve himself.

However, those familiar with Nadal know that when he’s not destroying opponents on the court, he is chasing his interest in soccer. He has always been a dedicated soccer fan and player despite being known globally for tennis. You might spot him kicking the ball around as a way to train, have fun and stay connected to the sport he used to play so much when he was younger. He even played organized soccer competitively until his early teens before choosing to focus completely on tennis.

Nadal is a massive Real Madrid fan, rarely missing opportunities to attend their matches when his own schedule permits.

Elton John | Tennis

For all of Elton John’s great musical achievements over a wonderful 51-year career, not many realize that he is also a lifelong tennis lover. More than that, he’s quite a good player.

John took up tennis relatively early and has since been a longtime enthusiast of the sport. As a young man, he fell in love with the sport’s graceful movements, hired a coach and quickly became both a talented player and a devoted fan.

In his home in England, the Old Windsor Estate, he has his own tennis courts and has invited many other celebs, including tennis professionals, to play with him over the years. His love for tennis is also responsible for some of his amazing songs, like Philadelphia Freedom.

J. Cole | Basketball

The skilled rapper J. Cole blew up from humble beginnings, using his lyrical gifts to transcend the struggles of growing up. But as a college student, Cole nursed ambitions beyond just rocking the mic:  He was determined to make the school’s basketball team. But he didn’t, so he decided to focus on his music career.

It was a crushing blow for Cole, but it put him on the path toward becoming one of music’s most popular rap voices. However, once his music career was established, he started participating in many high-profile celebrity games and tournaments over the years. Eventually, he impressed the world by signing a contract to play professionally in the Canadian Elite Basketball League (CEBL), where he played a few games in 2022.


It is not wrong to define celebrities by the career we know them for. However, we should remember that they are still human beings with different passions and hobbies away from the spotlight.

These alternative interests reveal another intriguing side to them. They show us how they unwind and recharge their batteries when they are not doing what we know them for. In the end, the most legendary superstars are still regular people at heart, with hobbies and alternative interests that enrich their lives.

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*Photo Credit: Kyle Terada – USA TODAY Sports*

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