One day we’re 12 years old in our mothers’ basements, joining a fantasy football draft online with a bunch of strangers. We blink, and it’s 10 years later, and we’re …
Brandon Ayiuk
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Family, Football & The Drive II
by Nate Polvogtby Nate Polvogt 5 minutes readFootball was a staple in my home when I was a kid. We watched it on TV each Saturday and Sunday all season long. We played all the “Tecmo Bowl” …
ColumnsFantasy Sports
Sunshine on the Sideline: Voting, Our Sacred Civic Duty
by Tom Cudaby Tom Cuda 6 minutes readVoting is one of the most important activities in which we, as a community and collective people, can participate. It is one of the basic building blocks of a functional …