“Ask Jen Anything” is an offseason column by Jen Polvogt, bridging motherly and fantasy football advice. Jen approaches the NFL offseason by taking questions from readers and providing answers based …
Jen Polvogt
Ask Jen Anything: Boundaries, Mornings & Social Media
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 6 minutes read“Ask Jen Anything” is an offseason column by Jen Polvogt, bridging motherly and fantasy football advice. Jen approaches the NFL offseason by taking questions from readers and providing answers based …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: The Curious Case of Cooterdoodle
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 9 minutes read“Jen’s Friday Night Insights” is a monthly column by Jen Polvogt, bridging motherly and fantasy football advice. Jen approaches the NFL postseason by taking a look at the mystery of …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Explain It to Me Like I’m Five (Part Two)
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 7 minutes read“Jen’s Friday Night Insights” is a monthly column by Jen Polvogt, bridging motherly and fantasy football advice. Jen approaches Week 17 of the fantasy football season with three years of …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Explain It to Me Like I’m Five (Part One)
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 8 minutes read“Jen’s Friday Night Insights” is a monthly column by Jen Polvogt, bridging motherly and fantasy football advice. Jen approaches Week 13 of the NFL season with three years of fantasy …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Welcome to the Real Ozark
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 8 minutes read“Jen’s Friday Night Insights” is a monthly column by Jen Polvogt, bridging motherly and fantasy football advice. Jen approaches Week 9 of the NFL season with three years of fantasy …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Ticking Time Bomb
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 7 minutes read“Jen’s Friday Night Insights” is a monthly column by Jen Polvogt, bridging motherly and fantasy football advice. Jen approaches Week 5 of the NFL season with three years of fantasy …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 7 minutes read“Jen’s Friday Night Insights” is a monthly column by Jen Polvogt, bridging motherly and fantasy football advice. Jen approaches Week 1 of the NFL season with three years of fantasy …
Ask Jen Anything: First-Timers, Top-10 QBs & Setting Timers
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 5 minutes readWell, folks, it’s been fun, but this is the final edition of the offseason column, “Ask Jen Anything” (“AJA”). Many thought-provoking and exciting questions have been asked this offseason, and …
Ask Jen Anything: Getting Fenced & Traveling With the Kids
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 4 minutes readI’m back! It’s been a month since the last edition of “Ask Jen Anything” (“AJA”), and this column comes to you from sunny Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I’m sitting on a chaise …
Ask Jen Anything: City Foods, Father’s Day & Friends With Your Spouse
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 6 minutes readI’m back! It’s been a month since the last edition of “Ask Jen Anything” (“AJA”), and it’s now summer! Children are out of school, parents are inventing new ways to …
Here we are again with another edition of “Ask Jen Anything” (“AJA”). It’s been a month since we last met, and a lot has happened. We have shifted from colder …
Welcome back to the second installment of “Ask Jen Anything” (“AJA”), the offseason column series where I directly answer readers’ questions about, well… anything. I’m excited to get right into …
ColumnsFantasy Sports
Ask Jen Anything: Finding New Friends, Love & Food
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 4 minutes readAs the seasons begin to shift once again – both psychically and in the NFL – I’d like to officially welcome you to the first edition of “Ask Jen Anything” …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Solicited Advice
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 5 minutes readWho here doesn’t have problems? Who here doesn’t have questions? Who here feels like they have nowhere to turn when they don’t know what step to take next? All of …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Catching the ‘Rona
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 6 minutes readHello, 2022! The new year is always filled with hope and promise for new beginnings, change, success and health. That’s how this new year started for me. Until Jan. 2. …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Save Yourself
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 3 minutes readI think I can speak for all of us when I say that, “I need a break.” This year has been tough. Last year was tough. And we’re all at …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: The Backup Plan
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 6 minutes readAs a person with a type-A personality, I’m very used to being in control of every situation I’m in. It often keeps me from certain events because I know ahead …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Fire!
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 9 minutes readAs we head into the holiday season, we’re all reminded of memories of time’s past. For me, Thanksgiving obviously reminds me of a meal with family and friends. However, there …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Running for Our Lives
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 9 minutes readHave I told you about the time that my husband, Nate, and I ran out on our check at a restaurant? It’s a good one. We’re no thieves. Minus Nate’s …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 6 minutes readOh, Colorado. It’s the state where I was born and have lived my whole life. Known for its rolling hills, breathtaking mountains and blue orange sunsets, Colorado sounds like an …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Just Do It
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 5 minutes read5, 4, 3, 2, 1, go! Nothing is happening. Let’s try this again. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, go! Still nothing. My brain isn’t working and neither is my body. …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: “Freddie!”
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 8 minutes readMeeting new people. Ugh. Am I right? Meeting new people during a pandemic. Even more “ugh.” Am I right? I’m a big fan of living inside my own bubble and …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Coming Out on Top
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 10 minutes readI’ve been asked for marriage advice by many people within the fantasy football Twitter-sphere. I feel like it’s because my husband, Nate Polvogt, and I have made it work through …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Went to Mexico & Got Crabs
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 11 minutes readTraveling. There is a myriad of things that can happen when traveling. It’s how you deal with those things – good, or bad – that can change the outcome of …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: A Vision (Presenting “32 in 32”)
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 7 minutes readMy Twitter journey started not long ago. I always thought the social media platform was useless and just a hub for the “rich and famous” to spout nonsense. But it …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Relationship Weight (Love Chub)
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 9 minutes readLove chub. For anyone with a challenging metabolism, “love chub” is real. Love chub is the weight you gain when you get into a new relationship and you get comfortable …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: The Outlaw
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 8 minutes readThere it was. A white 1995 Chrysler LeBaron. It was beautiful with its crisp, white exterior and tan, leather interior. The convertible top was up, but I would quickly change …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Blizzard or Bust?
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 6 minutes readAh, springtime in Colorado. The corner has finally been turned, and Coloradans are looking ahead to temperatures gradually rising into the 60s and 70s. We finally get to break out …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Unsolved Mysteries
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 7 minutes readEveryone loves getting packages. Especially surprise packages. My husband and I were in this situation in December 2020 when a little white package was delivered from Amazon via China. Unsure …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: A Year in Review
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 9 minutes read2020. What a year, am I right? This year has affected all of us differently, but also the same. It goes without saying that none of us saw a global …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Fix-n-Flip Edition
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 10 minutes readFix-n-flip. Everyone knows the term, and most people have been sucked into all-day marathons of shows like “Fixer Upper” and “Property Brothers.” Chip and Joanna Gaines are like family, and …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: The Flood of 2013
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 7 minutes readIt was Mother’s Day 2013. I wasn’t a mother yet, but it’ll go down in history as the most epicly horrible Mother’s Day ever. The day started out like any …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Crazy Residents
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 14 minutes readBoy, do I have some good stories for you. You see, I spent 14 years in property management. Most renters do not understand everything that goes into running a property. …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Walking Uphill Both Ways
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 7 minutes readYou know how you wake up some days and you say, “I’ve got it all together. Finances ✔️ Health ✔️ Career ✔️ Relationships ✔️” No? Me neither! Life is a …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Home for the Holidays
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 8 minutes readAh, the holidays. The time of year when families join together to give thanks, exchange gifts and go completely insane. Yes, the last one. Go. Completely. Insane. We’ve all seen …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Independent Woman
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 6 minutes readDating, am I right? OK, so I haven’t been in the dating world in 14 years, but I remember it like it was yesterday. There was a time long ago …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Home Alone
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 8 minutes readThe following is a true story about my struggles when my husband goes out of town. And the struggle is real, folks. I don’t cook. Period. And I’ve never been …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Love & Loss
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 7 minutes readTo have, or to not have? That was never my question. It was always “have.” Have many. Two? Three? Four? That would be perfect. Four. Two boys and two girls. …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Football, Fun and Factoids
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 6 minutes readSend this to your partner, friend or parent if they have no clue about football. Want to have a seat at the table when people are talking about football? You …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Potty Training Problems
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 7 minutes read“I have poop on my hands!” No. 2 (Pun intended). We started potty training our son on Aug. 20. I remember this because I wrote down the date of his …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: A Mexican Mess
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 8 minutes read”I have poop on my hands!” This is not a phrase any self-respecting adult thinks they’ll ever utter out loud. And yet, here we are with poop on our hands, …
ColumnsFantasy FootballFantasy SportsFootball
Jen’s Friday Night Insights: Motherhood & Managing the Perfect Roster
by Jen Polvogtby Jen Polvogt 4 minutes readI’m ashamed to admit this, especially at my age and in this current culture, but there was a time as a little girl watching pro sports with my dad and …