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The 10 Best TikTok Accounts for Good Vibes | Social Media Ranks

The 10 Best TikTok Accounts for Good Vibes (2024)

by Steve Lawson

TikTok is now the king of social media. With everything from lip-syncs to professional lectures, there is no shortage of content. However, like all other social media ever, there is plenty of negativity.

Frankly, it can be exhausting to see post after post full of hate and negativity in today’s world. So, instead of giving in to the clickbait, I decided to bring you all the good vibes.

Here are 10 of the best TikTok accounts for when you want positive, fun and – most of all – entertaining content!

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The 10 Best TikTok Accounts for Good Vibes (2024)

Full disclosure: I am a bit of a nerdy guy, and my absolute love of books and writing really influences this list. However, I think there are plenty of options for everybody!

10. lexi !! (@newlynova)

Are you a reader? Do you know a reader? Do you want to watch a reader hilariously dissect some of the biggest books on the market right now and make you feel like you aren’t alone in your psychotic love of reading? Look no further.

My personal favorite bit from Lexi is “Trope Jail,” where the creator uses her impeccable comedic timing to put some of the literary world’s most overused tropes on blast!

9. Lauren Cella (@laurencella92)

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Remember history class? Well, imagine if it was taught in the same chaotic way that people spill tea after a few sangrias.

That’s what you get out of this incredible creator on TikTok. With her snappy wit, incredibly educational content and somehow being able to blend entertainment and learning, some college should hire Lauren Cella and have her teach every damn history class.

8. Jake Deyton (@jakedeyton1)

Where are my Swifties at? Meet Jake Deyton, perhaps the biggest of Swifties. From going in on rumors to exploring potential album drops, Jake gives his love for Taylor Swift true meaning.

When you add in a mix of other funny stories, fun thought experiments and wholesome love, Jake is a creator worth following!

7. CeeMTaylor (@ceemtaylor)

Are you a writer? If so, whether you’re just starting out or deep into your writing career, Cee is a follow you should make! She gives writing advice that mixes very basic advice with incredibly specific and advanced notes in a way that makes everyone feel welcome.

6. B. Dylan Hollis (@bdylanhollis)

He bakes, he jokes and he is so worth the follow on TikTok. If for nothing other than the vibes.

When you need a break from the intensity of the day, B. Dylan Hollis is the account that brings you light-hearted, joyful content. I have watched his videos many times after rough shifts in the emergency room, and for that, he absolutely needed to be on this list!

5. Tate Hoskins (@tatehoskins)

For my fellow LGBTQ+ friends, allies and siblings, I give you Tate Hoskins. Now, full disclosure:  He can get heavy in some posts. Sometimes he has to, but it is always in the name of bringing LGBTQ+ issues forward, spreading love and being kind.

He is truly southern charm personified with the added benefit of being true to himself.

4. Ryan Kelly (@youthpastorryan)

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If a dog became a person, it would look a lot like Ryan Kelly. Sweet, charming and funny, he is the perfect account to follow for when you have a shit day.

He currently is hacking scammers, but he also does skits, stand-up and so much more on TikTok. For when the day is hard, or if you just want to get a laugh, Ryan is the man for the job!

3. Greyson (@guyinhiscar)

Greyson is a weird guy but in the best way. He is self-deprecation personified. He is willing to make himself the butt of the joke, and that is why his account is flooded with followers.

Like many on this list, he doesn’t need my promotion, but this list is less about the creators and more about you and getting you the good vibes! Greyson delivers the goods.

2. Cameron Hill (@cameronhillll)

Whether or not you enjoy makeup isn’t the point here. Cameron Hill has the aesthetic down to a science.

His TikTok videos are so relaxing to watch that you can’t help but feel like he should be a mega player in this space. If you happen to be interested in makeup – no matter who you are or how you identify – Cameron does an amazing job of showing so many different styles!

1. p4perback (@p4perback)

We’ve reached the top. P4perback is a master of cosplay. Their series on the Marauders is my personal favorite.

More than that, they are just the human version of warm hot chocolate on a cold night. When they send it, though, they fucking send it! Their cosplay is second to none, and their content is on par! Should you find yourself looking for your next nerdy, happy, artsy follow, look no further. This is the account for you!

Thanks for reading my blog on “The 10 Best TikTok Accounts for Good Vibes (2024).” For more entertainment and sports takes, find me on Twitter, @Steve_Lawson93.

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