Home Blogs “Interstellar” Celebrates a Decade: A Legacy Review
"Interstellar" a Decade Later: A Legacy Movie Review

“Interstellar” Celebrates a Decade: A Legacy Review

by James Danielson

Ten years ago, Christopher Nolan took to the galaxies with Matthew McConaughey and showed the world that the possibilities are endless with this type of film. “Interstellar” serves as, in my humble opinion, the best work made in the genre. It is a masterpiece on all levels: Story, acting, cinematography, score, writing and editing. You name it, “Interstellar” nails it.

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“Interstellar” Celebrates a Decade: A Legacy Review

What I love about Christopher Nolan is that some of his best work comes out when he teams up with his brother, Jonathan Nolan. Jonathan Nolan has a knack for writing things that Christopher Nolan can keenly display in an amplified notion. There’s a mutual brain mesh there; a force when they get together.

All Eyes in the Sky

The cinematography in this film is stunning. The funny part is that one of the movie’s best shots doesn’t even come in space. Nolan’s vision of life on this dying planet is terrifyingly bland and beautiful: Dusty, filled with acres of corn and a wind that will send particles of the ground through you like a hot knife through butter. There’s a shot of McConaughey and his kids dive-bombing their farm truck into the corn field that is so simple yet refined. It’s such a simple concept and shot, yet it pulls you into the field like the truck tires digging into the dirt.

Then you arrive in space, and it’s a whirlwind of breathtaking sights on different planets. There are ocean swells the size of the Empire State Building, plus mystical color schemes and pallets throughout the black hole of a galaxy we know nothing about. Then, there’s the frozen planet with nothing but ice and snow, yet it’s astonishing.

A Cast That Steers the Spaceship

It’s McConaughey’s (Cooper) best performance, or perhaps his second-best behind “Dallas Buyers Club.” Either way, he puts on a great show, and we are lucky to have him jump out of the rom-com-type casting of the past 15 years. Watching his career evolve has been a treat. Anne Hathaway (Brand) always shows up and dominates the screen. She turns in another great performance, as does most of this cast. From Jessica Chastain as McConaughey’s adult daughter Murph to Christopher Nolan regular Michael Caine as Professor Brand, there’s no slouch in the cast list. If you don’t recall, it also debuts a nice jump start to Timothee Chalamet’s (Tom) Hollywood takeover.

Finishing Touches

This great film still only took home a single Oscar a decade ago. It deserved its Visual Effects Oscar, don’t get me wrong. However, there’s something about a Hans Zimmer score that seems to be top-billing in all the films they’re in. It’s a shame Zimmer didn’t win his Oscar nomination, but regardless, it’s a haunting score that fits the love lost mission of “Interstellar.”

A decade later and newly streaming on Netflix, it’s a film that should be seen on the biggest screen available. Turn it on, crank the sound, kill the lights and grab a bourbon. “Interstellar” continues to hold a legacy 10 years later as one of – if not the – best space adventure mission stories filmed. It’s Heartbreaking and gorgeous with twists and turns… everything you’d expect in a Christopher Nolan film.

“We’re still pioneers, we barely begun. Our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us cause our destiny lies above us.” – Coop

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Thanks for reading my “Interstellar” movie review, as the film celebrates 10 years!

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